Have you had
your home rekeyed since you moved in?
Do you know
how many keys to your new home are in existence and exactly who has them?
Do all the
locks in your home operate with a single key?
If you have
windows in or near your doors, are your locks at least 40 inches from any glass or do you
have double cylinder deadbolts?
Are all
outside doors made of metal or solid wood?
Do you have
reinforced strikes and hinge pins secured to the frame of each exterior door to prevent
them from being kicked in?
Do your
entrance doors have solid cores and do they have 1" throw deadbolt locks?
Do you have
door viewers (peep-holes) on all exterior doors?
Are all of
your windows secure? Have double hung windows been pinned or have key locks? Do metal
windows have auxillary locks? Windows covered with polycarbonate or security film?
Does your
garage door close tightly? Is there an overhead door track padlock?
Does the
safety feature on your garage door work properly?
Do basement
windows have security bars?
Do you have a
secondary lock for sliding glass doors to prevent lift out?
Have you had
a locksmith or a security specialist evaluate the security of your new home?
If you answered NO to three or more of these questions, your RISK FACTOR is dangerously HIGH, and your home is not as secure or safe as it should be. By having a locksmith or security specialist come to your home to make an evaluation, you can determine the degree of security that you should have. You may want to change the locks to operate with a new key if you do not know how many keys are in existence and exactly who has them. When you have the security survey done, consider having your exterior night lighting evaluated as well as your locks, doors and windows. You may be eligible for an insurance premium reduction when you make a few changes in your home such as adding deadbolt locks and installing smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. If you are installing locks, buy the better quality ones. They are only slightly more expensive and are physically more secure--they have hardened inserts to protect against drilling. Protection against lock picking adds little overall to your security since burglars almost always go the brute force route. Doors should be secured with reinforced strikes and hinge pins. Having deadbolts installed is a mandate. The locksmith can install locks that are decorative and secure. If you are a do-it-yourselfer, ask the security specialist doing your survey to help you with advice, hardware, and certain keying requests. The garage door is the largest moving object in your home. It is important to clean and lubricate the rollers and door tracks. Tighten loose screws, bolts, or nuts. NEVER try to adjust the steel springs. They are under high tension and should only be serviced by a door professional. Make security in your home a priority, and give your family the gift of safety and yourself peace of mind.
Contact Allied Locksmiths today for a physical security inspection by one of our technicians.
LOCKSMITHS | SECURITY CHECKLIST | RESIDENTIAL | COMMERCIAL HIGH SECURITY | MASTERKEYING | LINKS | CONTACT US Please e-mail us with any problems, questions, or concerns hal@alliedlocksmiths.com |